06 February 2009

Fünf Sachen, dass ich diese Woche gelernt habe:

Eins: If I were redoing my previous post I would probably have a different answer to No. 12.

Zwei: Being happy for no particular reason is incredibly refreshing!

Drei: Sometimes it's nice to be hit on by a complete stranger. Even if it's the cashier at Panera.

Vier: As much as I complain about working too much, being busy is much better than being bored. If the next few days are as boring as the last 2 I'm going to start my vacation early!

Fünf: Driving with the sunroof open while the heat is on full blast isn't considered normal by some people--although I'm proud to have converted Courtney this week and urge everyone to try it. Your sunny February days will never be the same!


kg said...

Is it supposed to be in German? I agree with number Zwei.

Me said...

sometimes its fun to get hit on by cahiers becasue then on occasion they dont charge as much :)

Emily said...

windows down and heater on is the best!!

Courtney Kay said...

Yes the open sunroof/ heater combination is the best. Thank you. And I'm glad you're happry for no reason. You should be, because you're fabulous!

dot... dot... dot... said...

honestly I think more people do the sunroof / heater bit than you think. I think it is due to the lack of sunny days in the winter here in OR and we all just crave the warmth of the sun... so we take the sun, and create the heat.

It was a beautiful day today too!

Malia said...

Ich liebe sunroofs mit die heater auf. Okay, so I don't remember all my German vocab.